This My Obstacle Course station activity is so simple yet it helps to build math skills and fine motor skills – bonus!! While I know that apples are usually picked off of an apple tree, for the purpose of this station activity, we are going to be putting apples back on the tree. I guess you could put a whole bunch of “apples” on the tree and have your child “pick” a given number off of the tree using the tweezers. Either way, a great opportunity to build these skills!
My Obstacle Course Station Activity: How Many Apples On The Apple Tree?

I used a brown sheet of paper and drew the outline of a tree. I gathered up some red puffs to represent apples and set out a pair of tweezers. The object of this activity is to give your child a number and have them use the tweezers to grasp the “apples” and put them on the tree. I like to use tweezers because it helps to build the same muscles needed for handwriting and drawing.

There are several different ways to get the number:
- just pick a number (this wouldn’t work as well for us since Andrew prefers to see things if he is going to “buy†into it, but that’s just us)
- roll a die or two dice and have your child count the dots and put that many apples on the tree
- use dominos and have your child flip over a domino, count the dots and put that many apples on the tree
- use calendar numbers by choosing a few that are appropriate for your child, turn them over and have your child flip them one at a time, say the number and put that many apples on the tree
This activity helps build number recognition and allows the child to demonstrate their understanding without needing to have intelligible speech.
Engage, Encourage and Empower!