Kit Item #7: A Writing Surface
There are many different writing surfaces out there that would be perfect to put into a kit. I love using things that can be used again and again
to help Andrew build his handwriting skills. I have the following items in my own My Obstacle Course materials:
- Magna-Doodles (I have even found small seasonal ones!)
- Aqua-Doodles
- white boards (write on/wipe off or dry erase) that come lined like beginning writing paper and plain white (make sure to use the correct markers and NOT permanent markers – speaking from experience here! 🙂 )
- chalk boards

These items make it super easy to set up, easy to clean up and are about the size of a sheet of paper so they store easily. I have also found that they are much less intimidating and more fun for Andrew than paper. He is much more willing to draw or write if he knows it was not going to be permanent. Using these tools helped a good deal because if it didn’t look the way he wanted, he could erase it easily and start again.

Past Posts You May Find Helpful:
Click here for a past post on the different writing surfaces I have used as part of our stations – No Paper or Pencils Required Here!
Click here for a past post on Handwriting Helpers if you want to learn about some tools that are out there to help with finger placement on writing instruments.
Activity Suggestions:
- Flip and Draw
- Make the Same – writing words using models, like the space words above, flash cards or speech words
- Practicing letters or numbers
- Painting shapes, letters or numbers with water on a chalkboard
Handwriting is one of those skills that is a common challenge for children with motor and/or planning issues (and they know it!) so I am always looking for ways to sneak it in while making it fun. These items make it easy for me to create stations to do just that and hope that they might help you as well!
Engage, Encourage and Empower!