Pastry (or Basting) Brush
I found these bright brushes at Target. I thought that they would be great for painting with while also being super easy to clean. Andrew is not a huge fan of painting and past attempts involving sheets of blank white paper have lasted about 15 seconds. I took that knowledge and decided to make this painting station look very different. I set out these brushes…

added a pie tin…

and a plate or cookie sheet underneath (since my tin has holes).

My Obstacle Course Station Activity: Paint Planet Earth
I placed some washable finger paint on the cookie sheet (or on another paper plate if that’s what you are using underneath). I used blue and green paint because he had been learning about the planets in school and the station direction was to paint the planet Earth.

This station activity is really easy to set up and clean up. It was the first time (at home with me) where he was actually willing to paint and I think it really helped him to have a defined space and to know he was expected to cover the whole bottom. A blank white paper can be very intimidating and this was structured enough to make him feel comfortable to be willing to try. He had a ball with this and I enjoyed watching and listening to him as he painted!
Engage, Encourage and Empower!